Towards a healthier you with

Medical Check Ups


Medical Check Ups for MOM, ICA, LTA and SPF




Bethesda Medical provides a comprehensive range of medical checkups tailored for various regulatory requirements.

Our services covers the regulatory requirements for MOM, ICA LTA & SPF. For more information feel free to contact any of our clinics.

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Our Medical Check Ups

MOM Medical Check Ups

Migrant Domestic Worker (6ME)

Pre-employment screenings and regular health assessments every 6 months for Maids/Helpers/Migrant Domestic Workers.

Medical examination includes screening for pregnancy and infectious diseases such as syphilis, HIV and tuberculosis or other screenings as mandated by MOM.

Medical examinations requiring Chest
X-ray can be completed at our Suntec, Macpherson, TPY and Margaret Clinics.

Work Permit (WP)

In Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) necessitates Work Permit applicants and holders to undergo a medical assessment as a mandatory step in the application or renewal procedure. This work permit medical checkup is designed to verify the good health of foreign workers, ensuring they do not pose any health risks to the workplace or the public.

S Pass

The S Pass serves as a employment permit enabling employers to engage skilled foreign workers. As a component of the S Pass application procedure, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) mandates that foreign workers undergo a medical examination specifically for the SPass.

Employment Pass (EP)

The Employment Pass (EP) is a work permit designed for foreign professionals, managers, and executives seeking employment in the country. As an integral aspect of the EP application process, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) may stipulate that specific foreign workers undergo an employment pass medical examination.

ICA Medical Check Ups

Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

The Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is an immigration pass enabling foreigners to reside in the country for an extended duration, often for reasons such as family ties, employment, or other long-term purposes. As per the requirements of the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), all applicants are obligated to undergo a medical examination specifically for the LTVP.

Permanent Resident (PR)

Permanent Resident are individuals who have been granted the right to reside and work in the country on a long-term basis. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) require all applicants to undergo a Medical Check Up for (PR) Permanent Resident.

Student Pass (SP)

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) mandates that students intending to pursue full-time education in Singapore must undergo a medical examination. Furthermore, our services include tailored medical checkups to address specific requirements, including those stipulated by polytechnics or universities in Singapore.

Dependent Pass (DP)

The Dependent Pass allows spouses and children of Employment Pass or S Pass holders to join them in Singapore. The Ministry of Manpower requires Dependent Pass applicants to undergo a medical examination.

LTA Medical Check Ups

Driving / Vocational License

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) requires all applicants applying for the following vocational licences to undergo a medical examination. These licences are:

  • Taxi Driver’s Vocational Licence (TDVL)
  • Private Hire Car Driver’s Vocational Licence (PDVL)
  • Bus Driver’s Vocational Licence (BDVL)
  • Bus Attendant’s Vocational Licence (BAVL)
  • Omnibus Driver’s Vocational Licence (ODVL)

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