Health Screening
Health Screening helps to detect a condition or disease early, even when you feel well and do not have any signs or symptoms.
Early detection, followed by treatment and good control of the condition can result in better outcomes and lowers the risk of serious complications.
Book a Health Screening Appointment with us today!

Our Packages
Blood Test
Includes Blood Tests for Cholesterol, Diabetes, Kidney, Thyroid. Also includes Urinalysis.
Full Details
Post-screening Consultation
Body measurementsÂ
Blood Test
- Haematology
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney Function
- Thyroid Function
Blood Test
Includes Starter Package + additional Blood Tests for Liver and Stool Analysis.
Full Details
Post-screening Consultation
Body MeasurementsÂ
Blood Test
- Haematology
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney Function
- Thyroid Function
- Liver Function
Stool Analysis
Blood Test
Includes Intermediate Package + additional Blood Tests for Hepatitis A & B and Tumour Markers.
Full Details
Post-screening Consultation
Body measurementsÂ
Blood Test
- Haematology
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney Function
- Bone & Joint
- Thyroid Function
- Liver Function
Tumour markers
- PSA (Male)
- CA 125 (Female)
Stool Analysis
Blood Test
Includes Advanced Package + additional tests for Liver, Stomach/Colon, Ovarian/Prostate, Pancreas and Nose & Throat.
Full Details
Post-screening Consultation
Body measurementsÂ
Blood Test
- Haematology
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney Function
- Bone & Joint
- Thyroid Function
- Liver Function
Tumour markers
- Prostate PSA (Male)
- Ovarian CA 125 (Female)
- Liver
- Stomach/Colon
- Pancreas
- Nose & Throat
Stool AnalysisÂ
Blood Test &
Includes Blood Test for Hepatitis A & B and Thyroid. Also includes Tumour Markers, STD Screen, Stool Analysis and ECG.
Full Details
Pre-screening Consultation
Post-screening Consultation
Body MeasurementsÂ
Blood Test
- Haematology
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney Function
- Bone & Joint
- Hepatitis A & B
- Liver Function
- Thyroid Function
Tumour Markers
STD ScreenÂ
Stool AnalysisÂ
Radiology/Diagnostics Scans:
Blood Test, Radiology &
Includes Premium Package + additional Tumour Markers, Chest X-ray Cytology and Pap Smear (Female).
Full Details
Pre-screening Consultation
Post-screening Consultation
Body MeasurementsÂ
Blood Test
- HaematologyÂ
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateÂ
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic ScreenÂ
- Kidney FunctionÂ
- Bone & JointÂ
- Liver Function
- Hepatitis A & BÂ
- Thyroid FunctionÂ
Tumour Markers
- CA 19.9
- CA 125 (Female)
- PSA (Male)
STD Screen
Stool Analysis
- ThinPrep Pap Smear (Female)
Radiology/Diagnostics Scans:
- Chest Xray
- Ultrasound Pelvis (Female)
- Ultrasound Abdomen (Male)
Optional Add-ons
- Neurowyzr Digital Brain Function Screen (Screen for Cognitive Decline) –$50
Blood Test, Radiology &
Includes Executive Package + additional Vitamin D and Hormones test.
Full Details
Pre-screening Consultation
Post-screening Consultation
Body MeasurementsÂ
Blood Test
- HaematologyÂ
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateÂ
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney FunctionÂ
- Bone & JointÂ
- Liver Function
- Hepatitis A & BÂ
- Thyroid FunctionÂ
Tumour Markers
- CA 19.9
- CA 125 (Female)
- PSA (Male)
- Follicular Stimulating Hormone, Luteinising Hormone
- Estradiol, Progesterone, FSH, LH (Female)
- Testosterone, SHBG (Male)
STD Screen
Vitamin D
Stool Analysis
- ThinPrep Pap Smear (Female)
Radiology/Diagnostics Scans:
- Chest Xray
- Tonometry
- Ultrasound Pelvis (Female)
- Ultrasound Abdomen (Male)
Optional Add-ons
- Neurowyzr Digital Brain Function Screen (Screen for Cognitive Decline) –$50
Blood Test, Radiology &
Includes Executive Package + additional Vitamin D and Carotid Intimal Media Thickness Scan CIMT. Also includes Tonometry, Ultrasound for Breasts.
Full Details
Pre-screening Consultation
Post-screening Consultation
Body MeasurementsÂ
Blood Test
- Haematology
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateÂ
- Lipid Profile
- Diabetic ScreenÂ
- Kidney FunctionÂ
- Bone & Joint
- Liver Function
- Hepatitis A & BÂ
- Hepatitits C Ab
- Thyroid Function
Tumour Markers
- CA 19.9
- CA 125 (Female)
- PSA (Male)
STD Screen
Vitamin D
Helicobacter Pylori Ab
Stool AnalysisÂ
Radiology/Diagnostics Scans:
- Chest Xray
- Carotid Intimal Media Thickness Scan CIMT
- Tonometry
- Ultrasound Breasts OR Mammogram (Female)
- Ultrasound Pelvis (Female)
- Ultrasound Abdomen (Male)
- ThinPrep Pap Smear (Female)
Optional Add-ons
- Neurowyzr Digital Brain Function Screen (Screen for Cognitive Decline) -$50
- Imupro Screen+ (44 Food Intolerance Test) – $300
Blood Test, Radiology &
Includes Elite Package + Homones Test, a comprehensive range of Imaging Tests and HPV tests for females.
Full Details
Pre-screening Consultation
Post-screening Consultation
Body Measurements
Blood Test
- HaematologyÂ
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateÂ
- Lipid ProfileÂ
- Diabetic Screen
- Kidney FunctionÂ
- Bone & JointÂ
- Liver Function
- Hepatitis A & BÂ
- Hepatitis C Ab
- Thyroid FunctionÂ
Tumour Markers
- CA 19.9
- CA 125 (Female)
- PSA (Male)
- Follicular Stimulating Hormone, Luteinising Hormone
- Estradiol, Progesterone, FSH, LH (Female)
- Testosterone, SHBG (Male)
STD Screen
Vitamin D
Helicobacter Pylori Ab
Stool AnalysisÂ
Radiology/Diagnostics Scans:
- Chest Xray
- Carotid Intimal Media Thickness Scan CIMTÂ
- Ultrasound Abdomen (Gallbladder, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder)
- Ultrasound Breasts OR Mammogram (Female)
- Ultrasound Pelvis (Female)
- Ultrasound Prostate (Male)
- Treadmill Stress ECG (Male)
- Audiometry
- Tonometry
- Spirometry
- ThinPrep Pap Smear (Female)
- HPV DNA with Genotype 16 & 18 (Female)
- Bone Density Sonometry (*Suntec) OR
- Dexa Bone Density Scan (*Macpherson)
Brain Health:
- Neurowyzr Digital Brain Function Screen (Screen for Cognitive Decline)
Optional Add-ons:
- High Resolution CT Lung (Lung Cancer Screening) –$500
- Imupro Screen+ (44 Food Intolerance Test) – $300
- Dental (Consultation and Dental X-ray) – $80
Need help in choosing a package?
Take our Health Screening quiz to find out the best suited package for you based on your age and gender

Looking for a Health Screening package for specific needs like metabolism or fitness? Â
Looking to add on other tests?
Customise your health screening and pick your preferred tests.
Basic Health Screening
Executive Health Screening
(Blood Test with Radiology & Diagnostic Scans)
Need help in choosing a package?
Take our Health Screening quiz to find out the best suitable package for you based on your age and gender:

Looking for a Health Screening package for specific needs like metabolism or fitness? Â
Looking to add on other tests?
Customise your Health Screening and pick your preferred tests.
View Brochure for more details on the packages:

Comfort with healthcare
We have recreated the health screening space to make you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home.

One-stop healthcare center
Our clinic in Grantral Mall has everything for your exclusive health screening. Ranging from radiology, mammogram, treadmill , ecg and more

Caring and efficient staff
Our staff are medical trained to meet your medical needs while ensuring you with maximum comfort.

Fast waiting times
Blood test results will reach you electronically in just 1 business day, while your full executive health screening report will be provided to you within a week.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Have any questions? Visit our FAQ page below: