Public Health Preparedness Clinic – PHPC
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Public Health Preparedness Clinic
- The PHPC scheme consolidates the primary care clinic response to public health emergencies such as influenza pandemic, haze and anthrax outbreaks into a single scheme for better management.
- Bethesda Medical Centre is a PHPC clinic, and we are dedicated to be activated and remain operational during public health emergencies:
- Our roles during these medical and pandemic emergencies including coordinating with National Health bodies to continue medical services.
- Triage of patients
- Management of suspect cases or at risk individuals
- Dispense of medications (e.g. Tamiflu, antibiotics)
- Administer vaccinations (e.g. flu vaccines)
- Provide subsidised treatment (e.g. under Flu Subsidy Scheme)
We will have logistical support from the Ministry (i.e. personal protective equipment and prophylaxis for staff) to ensure that our doctors and clinic staff are adequately protected in times of public health emergencies. Similarly, priority for pharmaceuticals and vaccine supply from the national stockpile will be given to PHPCs in such situations.
SASH (Swab & Send Home)
We are on the National Swab and Send Home (SASH) Programme for activated PHPCs administering FSS to do swabbing for patients who meet the set criteria at the clinics