Lead and its compounds


Main Industries and Occupations at Risk

  • Manufacture and use of lead stabilisers in PVC compounding;
  • Manufacture of lead-acid storage batteries (accumulators)
  • Burning, welding or cutting of lead-coated structures, e.g., shipbreakers and welders;
  • Manufacture and use of ammunition, e.g., firing range instructors;
  • Manufacture and use of lead-based paints;
  • Manufacture of solder;
  • Manufacture and use of glazes for porcelain, enamels, tiles;
  • Manufacture of alloys.

Medical Examinations


  • Any exposure to inorganic lead or its compounds

Types of Tests and Frequency of Examinations:

  • Pre-placement medical examination: within three months of exposure
    • Clinical examination shall include a detailed medical and work history with emphasis on:
      • i.  past, present and anticipated future exposure to lead;
      • ii.  renal, haematological, gastrointestinal and nervous system dysfunction;
      • iii.  current usage of medication with potential nephrotoxic side-effects;
      • iv.  smoking history.
    • Estimation of:
      • i.  blood lead level (B-Pb)(venous blood in heparinised container);
      • ii.  haemoglobin level (g/dL).
    • Unfit for exposure to inorganic lead:
      • i. History of renal, haematological, gastrointestinal and nervous system dysfunction.
      • Note:  Persons with thalassaemia minor may work with inorganic lead.
  • Periodic medical examinations: every 6 months
    • Clinical examination shall include a detailed medical and work history with emphasis on the haematological and nervous systems.
    • Estimation of:
      • i.  blood lead level (venous blood in heparinised container)
        • For males of all ages and females ≥ 50 yrs:
          BTLV for B-Pb : 50 mcg/100 ml      Action level for B-Pb : 40 mcg/100 ml
        • For females < 50 yrs:
          BTLV for B-Pb : 30 mcg/100 ml      Action level for B-Pb :  24 mcg/100 ml
      • ii.  haemoglobin level (g/dL)  Normal:95% or more of laboratory minimum with no declining trend